Editor's Choice
Acute appendicitis: should we go back to the conservative treatment used in the XIX century?
Critically appraised articles
AVC | Is it necessary to clean the umbilical cord with antiseptics?
Martín Masot R, Orejón de Luna G. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:16
AVC | There is insufficient evidence to consider non-operative treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis
Cuestas Montañés EJ, Aparicio Rodrigo M. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:17
AVC | Can we predict which children with pneumonia will have a severe prognosis?
Orejón de Luna G, Cuestas Montañés EJ. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:18
AVC | A baby-led approach to solids with healthcare parental support does not increase the risk of choking
Díaz Cirujano AI, Molina Arias M. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:19
AVC | Omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy and asthma prevention. Are we talking here about more than just a suspect involved?
Fernández Rodríguez MM, Aizpurua Galdeano P. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:20
AVC | Do public-access defibrillators improve neurological outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
Gimeno Díaz de Atauri Á, Rodríguez-Salinas Pérez E. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:21
AVC | The use of electronic devices before sleeping affects the quality and quantity of sleep
Aparicio Rodrigo M, Buñuel Álvarez JC. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:22
AVC | Vitamin D supplements during gestation and wheezing in childhood: we need more evidence
Ochoa Sangrador C, Andrés de Llano JM. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:23
AVC | Neonatal abstinence syndrome worsens school performance in childhood
Ortega Páez E, Molina Arias M. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:24
AVC | Absorbable sutures containing triclosan decrease wound infection rates in children
Ruiz-Canela Cáceres J, García Vera C. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:25
AVC | It is possible to replace chest X-rays with pulmonary ultrasound in the diagnose of pneumonia in children?
Albi Rodríguez MS, Martínez Rubio M.V. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:26
Associated comment
CA | Is baby-led weaning an advisable approach?
Leis Trabazo R. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:27
Bases of evidence based medicine
MBE | Evaluation of the accuracy of diagnostic tests (1). Discrete variables
Ochoa Sangrador C, Molina Arias M. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:28
Other articles selected but not critically appraised